We are excited to welcome you to the Clam Shell, a creative studio and production space which houses Pearl Xun's innovative showroom. It's Xunopia's incubator for inspiration and ideation.
During a time when our world is feeling the devastating effects of a global pandemic, it's beautiful to witness diverse forms of creative expression transcend beyond chaos and infirmity to bring us all together. This thing called art continues to be an ever-evolving outlet and safe haven for individuals and collectives.
The Clam Shell is an Inclusive Space for Community and Creativity
The Clam Shell is one of the many spaces that cultivates and promotes this universal element defined through art. As the Clam Shell embarks on an artistic odyssey, Pearl's aim is to invite us into the multidimensional realm of Xunopia, where the creative process behind Xun's sustainable fashion projects are journaled; discussions about wellness and trends are unpacked; and Xunopia in the community is captured throughout the shifting seasons of the year.
For Pearl, the Clam Shell is a cocoon that envelopes her in her world, supplying sustenance that allows her to focus and maintain her creative flow. Her goal is "to foster a space where a group of fashionistas(os) who care about the environment can coalesce to learn and explore ways to create beautiful fashion without damaging the world in which we live and play in."
After sharing a few questions with Pearl to learn more about Xunopia and her vision for the Clam Shell, she was enthusiastic about offering greater depth and insight to this post.
Continue reading to discover what we can expect from Pearl and the Clam Shell circle as it grows!
MONAH: What are some exciting/creative things people can anticipate from the Clam Shell?
PEARL: Creativity, collaboration and learning. I will keep members abreast of Clam Shell projects. Members are also able to post and/or submit their own projects for comments, collaboration or information. Our focused blogs and tutorials will provide additional tools for learning including webisodes ("If My Closet Could Talk").
MONAH: What does the rebranding of Xunopia and the digital launch of the Clam Shell mean to you?
PEARL: I'm excited to embark on this worthwhile journey, which combines my zest to be a creative soul in my area of expertise and love with helping to further sustainable fashion, leading to a cleaner and greener world!
MONAH: How would you describe this season and all the things that are taking place with Xun?
PEARL: The COVID-19 pandemic has given the world an opportunity to reset. In Venice waterways are cleaner, allowing fish to populate natural bodies of water; pollution in Beijing has been at an all time low, and so too has this been the case for Xunopia. We've taken the opportunity during a period of business/economic decline and increased time, to refocus and do some long-term planning.
PEARL (CONT'D): One thing COVID-19 has taught me is that given the right circumstances, things imagined to be impossible, like shutting down the world economy and negative future oil pricing, become possible. In that regard, with the right team, will and resources, we can lead fashionable lives without a high negative implication on our environment.
MONAH: How do you hope to keep the Clam Shell community engaged?
PEARL: The Clam Shell will always be teeming with activity on a bi-weekly basis. Our audience will regularly be kept up to speed about exciting new projects being undertaken.
I'm definitely looking forward to covering the amazing upcoming Clam Shell projects and engaging with each of you in the Clam Shell community as you share your creative projects and ideas!
To participate, create your own posts and connect, remember to sign up as a member and don't forget to introduce yourselves in the comment section below. Welcome again!