I can really hear the Drums...or maybe it's the excitement! Christmas is and has been my favourite time of year. In the past there was a lightness and people smiled. There was the occasional push or shove trying to get to that last present and those harried expressions you see on faces and you know its because they've left it too late and blood pressure is rising. But generally, in my experience, there has always been that feeling of anticipation, it just hung in the air. For me it is coupled with mouth watering savoury smells, baked bread and the one habit that is taking me a few years to kick - baked ham with pineapples and the preserved red cherries and clove and.....But I digress.
On day 12 we will be live on FB with an auction rewind. Join us on FB tonight from 8pm to 8:40pm to bid on deals you may have missed over the last 11 days.
Check out the Clam Shell Boutique for pics of Todays Auction items--- and we will see you tonight.